Types of vehicles

a car designed to hold sick or eviscerate folks
articulated lorry or (informal) artic
a lorry created in 2 separate sections, a tractor and a trailer, connected by a pivoted bar
(in India) a lightweight three-wheel vehicle driven by bike|a motorbike|a bike} engine
bicycle or (informal) bike
a vehicle with a hollow metal frame mounted on 2 spoked wheels, one behind the opposite. The rider sits on a saddle, propels the vehicle by suggests that of pedals that drive the rear wheel through a series, and steers with handlebars on the front wheel
Black Maria
a paddy wagon for transporting prisoners
breakdown van or truck, tow truck, or (Austral. slang) towie
a vehicle for carrying freight on a railway; wagon
a powerful tractor fitted with caterpillar tracks and a blade at the front, used for moving earth, rocks, etc
a large car designed to hold passengers between stopping places on a daily route
a taxi
a two-door four-seater automotive with a folding roof and a sloping back
a lorry, or, parapsychology once, an oversized horse-cart
camper (US, Canadian)
a vehicle equipped for tenting out
camper van
a motor caravan
a self-propelled road vehicle designed to hold passengers, parapsychology one with four wheels that's hopped-up by Associate in Nursing ICE
a large boxed-in vehicle capable of being force by a automotive or lorry and equipped to be lived in
a machine wheeled vehicle for persons
an endless track, driven by sprockets or wheels, wont to propel an important vehicle and alter it to cross soft or uneven ground
a light open equine carriage, parapsychology one with 2 wheels designed for 2 passengers
charabanc (British)
a motor coach, parapsychology one used for looking at tours
a simple machine wheeled vehicle employed in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc, in war, races, and processions
a vehicle for many passengers, used for transport over long distances, looking at, etc
combine harvester
Conestoga wagon (US, Canadian)
a large serious equine Conestoga employed in the nineteenth century
a four-seater automotive with a hard and fast roof, a sloping back, and frequently 2 doors
delivery van or (U.S. & Canad.) delivery truck
a small van used parapsychology for delivery rounds
a vanlike vehicle specially equipped for living in whereas movement
double-decker principally British)
a bus with 2 rider decks
any other vehicle or sledge wont to carry an important load
dump truck or dumper-truck
a truck with a face that may be inclined backward to dump a load through the opened tailgate
dustcart or (U.S. & Canad.) truck
a road vehicle for grouping domestic refuse
estate car
a automotive with a relatively long body containing an oversized carrying area, reached through a rear door: typically the rear seats may be folded  forward to extend the carrying area
fire engine
a heavy road vehicle that carries firefighters and firefighting instrumentality to a fireplace
fork-lift truck
a vehicle having 2 power-operated horizontal prongs that may be raised and lowered  for loading, transporting, and unloading merchandise, parapsychology merchandise that ar stacked on wood pallets
four-wheel drive
a system employed in automobiles within which all four wheels ar connected to the supply of power
gritter (British)
a vehicle that spreads grit on roads throughout icy weather, or once icy conditions ar expected
hansom or hansom
a simple machine jerkwater carriage with a hard and fast hood. the driving force sits on a high outside seat at the rear
hatchback or hatch
a sloping stern of a automotive having one door that's raised to open
hog (informal)
a large powerful bike
Humvee or (informal) Hummer
a simple machine drive vehicle
hybrid automotive or hybrid
a automotive that uses electric power to reinforce the potency of the engine
jaunting car or cart
a light simple machine jerkwater automotive, once wide employed in eire
a small military road vehicle with simple machine drive
jet ski
jinricksha, jinrickshaw, cart or jinriksha
a small, simple machine carriage with a hood, force by one or 2 men, esp. once in East Asia
jitney (US, rare)
a small bus that carries passengers for an occasional worth, originally 5 cents
kart, go-cart, or go-kart
a light low-framed vehicle with tiny wheels and engine used for recreational athletics
(in Russia) a lined sledge or wagon
koneke (New Zealand)
a farm vehicle with runners before and wheels at the rear
landaulet or landaulette
an early kind of automotive with a folding hood over the rider seats Associate in Nursingd Associate in Nursing open driver's seat
light engine or (U.S.) wildcat
a locomotive in motion while not drawing any carriages or wagons
any massive and splendid automotive, parapsychology one that incorporates a glass division between the driving force and passengers
a self-propelled engine driven by steam, electricity, or diesel power and used for drawing trains on railway tracks
a large car designed to hold serious masses, parapsychology one with a flat platform
a road or rail vehicle for serious masses with an occasional platform for simple access
a athletics toboggan on that riders lie on their backs, dropping feet 1st
milk float
a small car wont to deliver milk to homes
a small bus able to carry close to 10 passengers
a light bike, not over 50cc
a motorcycle
a light bike
a bus driven by Associate in Nursing ICE
a self-propelled electrical wheeled vehicle
motor caravan
a simple machine vehicle, having a stronger frame than a bicycle, that's driven by a petroleum engine, typically with a capability of between a hundred twenty five cc and one thousand cc
motor scooter
a light bike with tiny wheels and an internal engine
motor vehicle
a road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, parapsychology Associate in Nursing ICE
off-road vehicle
paddock-basher (Australian, slang)
a vehicle suited to driving on rough parcel
panda car (British)
a police prowl car, parapsychology a blue and white one
pantechnicon (British)
a large van, parapsychology one used for furnishings removals
people carrier, folks mover, or (U.S.) minivan
any of assorted machine-controlled sorts of transport for giant numbers of passengers over short distances, like a moving pavement, driverless cars, etc
pick-up (Austral. & N.Z.), utility truck, or (informal) ute
a free ride in a very car
police car
a vehicle employed by cops, used parapsychology to patrol the


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